Forest Hills Jr./Sr High School in Sidman, PA is a three phase job for Leonard S. Fiore, Inc. The first phase was to complete earthwork for the new school structure. In the second phase, we were the general contractor building the structure beside the existing school. The structure is complete and students moved in on Jan. 9, 2017. Once items were removed, the old building was removed and replaced with parking. The school features wood paneling throughout the auditorium and adjoining lobby around display cases and a large digital display center. Band, choral, art, and shop classrooms wrap around the auditorium on the first floor. Classrooms sit on the second and third floors and include several science laboratories with specialized equipment.
Details and Awards
Total Square Feet
New Construction Square Feet
Start Date
Substantial Completion
489 Locust St. Sidman, PA 15955
Forest Hills School District Sidman, PA 15955
Construction Manager
P.J. Dick, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Eckles Architecture & Engineering, Inc. New Castle, PA 16101