Memorial Field

Phase 2

Memorial Field

Phase 2

Institution Type:

 K-12 Education

Project Class:

 Sports Complex, Conference Center, Site Improvement

Project Delivery System:

 General Contractor

Construction Type:


Phase 2 of renovations at State College Area School District’s Memorial Field created new home bleachers with additional seats and locker rooms beneath them. There are also improved restrooms and entrances, a concession plaza, a concourse linking the home and away sides, and better emergency access to the field. Work included a memorial parklet at the field to recognize State High alumni who died while serving in the military. The concession plaza was built on the foundation of the former school and administrative building at Nittany Avenue. The basement was renovated for Memorial Field’s concession plaza. A new elevator connects parking lot entry, lower level, and concourse level.

Memorial Field now has about 4000 stadium seats. A 450 SF press box sits at the top of the stands.

Details and Awards

Total Square Feet


New Construction Square Feet


Renov Square Feet



131 West Nittany Avenue, State College, PA 16801


State College Area School District

Construction Manager

Massaro CM Services, LLC


Weber Murphy Fox Inc.

Civil Engineer

PennTerra Engineering

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